Every single day, we wake up and invest our energies, time, brains, and souls in propelling our lives forward toward the ultimate destination. However, what exactly is our Finality? Furthermore, what was our Initial? Who are we? What are we made of? Why are we here? What binds us together?

All sorts of fundamental questions often arise in our minds. Looking back at history, humans have always been on a quest to discover what else the universe has to offer. With the advancement of science and technology, we have certainly come much closer to understanding the universe and its intimate relationship with us.
However, is this the end? Has the quest truly concluded? Do we possess a complete understanding of our universe, uncovering all its mysteries? Does it feel that way to you?
One of the forefront research areas among physicists is Quantum Physics. Considering that everything in the universe—stars, planets, moons, our solar system—is composed of molecules, elements, and eventually atoms, our knowledge is far from exhaustive. We recognize that atoms consist of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The intriguing interactions among these particles have propelled technological advancements.
Quantum Physics has ushered us into the realm of fundamental particles exhibiting quantum properties, such as superposition of states, quantum tunneling, teleportation, entanglement, uncertainty, and more. It is through these properties that we uncover the intricate connection between the universe and us, revealing a world of higher dimensions that our senses fail to comprehend.
The connection between human life and the universe is an intimate relationship. Consequently, the existence of the universe has always been under scrutiny, holding the potential to address most of our existential questions.
The Universe began 13.8 billion years ago. The Early Universe and present Universe are like chalk and cheese (vastly different). Matter was packed together at temperatures of tens of millions of degrees. As it expanded and cooled, the synthesis of the particles, elements and gasses took place and the wavelengths of highly energetic photons stretched tremendously. Leading to the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, which is the evidence of the early Universe.
I am going to take you down through the lane—the Inception of the Universe! Are you ready to set out on this cosmological journey?
The generally accepted model of origin of the Universe is defined as the Big Bang. It is commonly misunderstood that there was an explosion which led to the formation of the Universe. However, rather than an explosion it was a stretch. As the Universe has neither borders nor any outside, it's just the space that was stretching. This stretching period is usually called the Inflation.
Tracing the timeline of events after the Big Bang would help us to know how and when the very first atom formed! So firstly, the Big Bang happened. Right after the Big Bang, we consider the start of the Beginning of the Universe, at timestamp t=0 second. Then comes the Planck epoch, which is at t=10^(-43) seconds, it is the least possible time that can be measured due to the Uncertainty Principle. At the Planck epoch all forces were unified, it is the earliest stage of Big Bang.
Later, comes the Inflation, for which the time passed was from t=10^(-36) seconds to t=10^(-33) seconds. Events prior to Inflation grew exponentially fast so we call it Singularity.
Next was the Quark Epoch. The environment in this era was quite hot and dense. The manifestation of Energy resulted in short-lived particles, such as— Gluons. These Gluons then decayed into pairs of quarks, further these pairs of quarks formed more Gluons and this gets repeated.
Among the electrons, protons and neutrons, the electron has been found to be the fundamental particle. However, Protons and neutrons are not the fundamental particles but can be further broken down into smaller particles that are Quarks and Gluons. Quarks and Gluons are further indivisible, serving as fundamental particles. These particles were synthesized in the Quark Epoch. In the era of natural laws, within a time span of 10^(-9) seconds, one massive force underwent several redefined forces, each acting under different rules. By then, the universe had stretched to a billion square kilometers.
Next is the Hadrons and Leptons Era, with a time span of 10^(-6) seconds. Quarks began forming new particles—Hadrons and Leptons. Protons and neutrons collectively fall under the category of hadrons, while electrons belong to the lepton group of particles.
Since the Big Bang, all these processes have unfolded, giving rise to various particles. However, despite these events, only a second has passed in cosmic time.
Nucleosynthesis Era, the timestamp was at 1 second, the Universe is now cold enough to allow for most of the neutrons to decay into protons and form the first atom of Hydrogen. At this point the temperature is 10 billion Celsius. In the next few minutes things cooled down and got settled fast.
Opaque Era, timestamp at 200 seconds, atoms formed out of hadrons and electrons making stable and electrically neutral environments. This period was called the Dark Age because there were no stars as hydrogen gas didn’t allow visible light to move around. Hydrogen gas clumped together after millions of years and gravity put it under great pressure, stars and galaxies began to form. Their radiation dissolved the stable hydrogen gas into a plasma that still permeates today and allows visible light to pass.
The Universe, at the timestamp of 3000 Kelvin years, finally had light!
The Big Bang is where all Natural laws don't make sense. Time becomes unsteady. This portion of the timeline demands a unified theory of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, which is famously termed as— the Grand Unified Theory.
Scientists are still looking for a way to unify all the forces as it was hypothesized to be at the period of Planck Epoch. So, glancing over the timeline we are now aware of the existence of our very first atom, hydrogen.
Now, have you ever pondered whether the atoms arranged in the Periodic table exhibit the origin of our Solar System elements. Some of them have come from the Big Bang while most of them are from either two stars circling each other and then exploding or just a single explosion like if a supernova. It's an absolute treat to witness Quantum Mechanics explaining the arrangement of the periodic table quite well. It is the quantum numbers that refer to different locations on the periodic table and give different orientation of the electrons in the atom.
Wondering how these quantum numbers show up?
It's actually fascinating to know that the physical world is obliged to exhibit itself in a Mathematical equations, solving which can return us the physical characteristics of nature. Quantum Physics too, manifests its beauty in the form of equations. It is called Schrödinger's time-independent equation. The solutions obtained by solving the equation are called the Quantum Numbers. And with these quantum numbers electrons shell numbers can be predicted. It is these interesting numbers which governs the atomic world, its orientation, its polarization and spectrum. The whole cosplay of quantum numbers has resulted in the World around us!!
So what I am saying is, eventually all the particles, elements and atoms are like the dust off Stars, given with the Big Bang. This means you are essentially a stardust..We are all just Stardust!!
It's like, “We are a mathematical anomaly in a sea of gas, stars and planets.” This explains why quantum physics is such an important aspect of life. Quantum physics provides insights into life. It provides the unimaginable happenings that are going on at the quantum level of this Universe! Though Quantum Physics is random at its core however, it can be predicted! It is probabilistic in its nature. It is this probability that allows it to be uncertain yet predictable! Haven't we all experienced uncanny realizations of Life being simply uncertain everyday! Not even two days are alike or nor do we have a surety that it will be..ever!
Don't you agree that almost all of us fear life’s uncertainty? Some of us deal with severe panic and anxiety, if things go uncertain. However, even though we don’t understand the uncertain nature of life, we all try to deal with it!
Psychologists may help you out of your panic and anxiety however I strongly believe that We are our own cure! The universe within us is the higher dimension and is powerfully capable of its rejuvenation and healing!
Inevitably, if looking for an internal cure, we necessarily call up our quantum consciousness. Imagine you are trying to navigate a complex social situation. You want to make the best decision possible, but you are also aware that your actions will have consequences. The more you try to control the outcome of the situation, the more likely it is that you will inadvertently create unintended consequences.
Similar to the Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics—The more precisely you try to measure the position of a particle, the less precisely you can know its momentum. This is because the act of measuring disturbs the particle and changes its motion. In the social realm, the act of trying to control a situation can also have a disturbing effect. For example, if you try to force someone to behave in a certain way, they may become resistant and resentful. This can make it even more difficult to achieve the desired outcome.
The uncertainty principle suggests that we may not be able to control all aspects of our lives, and that this is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, it is better to let go of control and allow things to unfold naturally. This can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes. This principle acts on a pair of two conjugate variables. For example, position and momentum are conjugate variables. There is a fundamental and universal limit to how much we can simultaneously know about both! Some specific examples of how the uncertainty principle can manifest in human life situations:
● Trying to control your emotions: The more you try to suppress your emotions, the more intense they become. It is often better to accept your feelings and allow them to pass naturally.
● Trying to control other people: As mentioned above, trying to force others to behave in a certain way can lead to resistance and resentment. It is often more effective to try to understand others' perspectives and build relationships based on mutual respect.
● Trying to predict the future: The future is uncertain, and trying to predict it with perfect accuracy is a futile exercise. It is better to focus on the present moment and make decisions based on the information that is available to you.
Observe the uncertainty of life, you'll observe only a pair of decisions available to you. These pairs are called conjugate variables. In the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Momentum and Position are conjugate variables.
Conjugate variables are pairs of variables mathematically designed in such a way that they become Fourier transform duals. Another example is: time and frequency. In classical physics, the derivatives of action are conjugate variables to the quantity with respect to which one is differentiating. In quantum mechanics, these same pairs of variables are related by the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
To be honest, Mathematics has always been handy for understanding Physics. It can simplify the uncertainty principle, with the help of Fourier Transforms! It is quite an art to understand this subject matter. However, let’s try to understand the basics of it.
Imagine you have a box of crayons with all the colors of the rainbow. Each crayon represents a different frequency of light. When you mix all the crayons together, you get white light. But if you separate the crayons, you can see the individual colors.
The Fourier transform is like a tool that can separate the colors of light. It can take a complex signal, like a piece of music or a medical image, and break it down into its constituent frequencies. This can be helpful for understanding the signal and for making changes to it.
So, anytime you encounter an uncertainty, the first step you need is to analyze your life quantum intuitively— with the lens of the uncertainty principle. Then find out the conjugate options offered by the uncertainties. Once you spot all the conjugate variables, rather than getting overwhelmed with disparity, try to opt for the least harmful one!
And you'll always be able to Fourier transform the situationship—the other way around!
So, “If life gives you lemon, just make lemonade out of it!”
Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory simplified. Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory simplified. Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory simplified. Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory simplified. Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory simplified. Quantum physics and the Big Bang theory simplified.