A disappearing act- the millennial way of breaking up.
Ghosting has become the new normal in the dating world, but it is not a recent phenomenon. Long before texting, smartphones, or email, the art of cutting off contact without explanation was practiced with great skill. It's comforting to know that a term for such heinous behavior has been included in the Oxford Dictionary. This is a critical time to raise awareness about how hearts are ignored daily.

You've been talking for nearly two months, and everything seems swimmingly. You're wondering when he'll ask you to be his girlfriend - you're both allegedly perfect for one another, and it looks like you are meant to be. You are already planning your wedding day, down to the most minor but essential details that few people consider, such as the dress you intend to wear and the color of your toes on the day you tie the knot.
Everything starts to go down that hill of excitement you worked so hard to build. Isn't that sad? A simple response to your text message would have stopped the tears from falling down your cheeks, and you wonder, "What did I do wrong?" "Why me?!" "Everything was going so well." But suddenly, the person you were talking to has stopped responding to your messages, and you are left wondering what went wrong. You stare at your phone, contemplating whether you should send another message. Well, here you have been 'ghosted'.
You promise yourself, "This will never ever happen to me again." Unfortunately, in the hopes of finding your soul mate, the second ghosting passes, the third, the fourth, the fifth, and so on, until you've reached the peak of learning from the masters of ghosting themselves, at which point you begin doing what you once despised. You have just 'ghosted'.
Ghosting, or leaving without saying goodbye, is a common scenario in which one person abruptly and without explanation ends a personal relationship with another person.
Even though I'm sure people have "ghosted" each other for centuries, the term "ghosting" is a relatively new expression. People ghost for various reasons, but the majority do so to avoid their discomfort, with no regard for the feelings of others.
It assists one in escaping the acceptance of other people's emotions, which can tax oneself. Ghosting is difficult, but it is a secondary factor limiting one specific aspect of civil liberty. You owe nothing to anyone. You didn't feel like telling somebody in their face that they weren't worthy of your attention because that would make you a jerk. Or perhaps it will send you into a never-ending cycle of guilt, knowing that someone is out there waiting for you. Ugh! Simply block them, delete their number, which may provide some relief, or leave their messages visible.....oh, the best! Simply delete their unread chats!!! Ooh-la-la! I realize it sounds unfortunate.
I have ignored people in the past for different reasons. I sometimes have too much on my plate to go out for another drink, and I simply don't have the time. And I don't want to hurt your feelings by telling you that, while I find you sexually entertaining on the surface, our souls aren't aligned. You'd mess with my chakras, which I've spent years and thousands of dollars trying to align. Furthermore, it's only one date; you don't deserve that explanation, and I'm not legally required to tell you anything. What I mean is, I owe you nothing, and you owe me nothing, and I know that speaking my truth will not benefit either of us, so I'd rather ghost you.
Ghosting is a term adopted by dating culture that has spread to the professional workplace. Ghosting can range from leaving unanswered emails in a flooded inbox to failing to pay consultants after they have completed work. Nowadays, "professional ghosting" is becoming a more common practice. In the recruiting context, prospective employers do not respond to promising interviews, candidates disappear after discussions, and both sides only sometimes communicate with external recruiters. Something is seriously wrong when no response becomes the default response. This is a more common occurrence. This will get everyone nowhere. Ghosting can occur for various reasons, including the client forgetting, becoming too busy, or wanting to avoid having an awkward conversation. The behavior is motivated less by malice and more by being uncomfortable with the situation and wanting to avoid confrontation. With technology evolving the way we interact, potential employees and clients are put in tricky situations frequently based on work overload, sparing feelings, or no real answers.
I don't believe that ghosting someone automatically makes you a wrong person; ghosting is an inherent human instinct that reveals a person's true self. I don't think we can paint it black and white; how can you define something so personal and unique as ghosting?
It's incredible to see how quickly people can turn off their emotions and how something we used to like or cherish can fade away. Above all, it gives you the impression that you are disposable. Ghosting is the act of discontinuing communication without explanation. It makes you feel taken advantage of and disrespected. When someone we care about goes away without reason, we may feel betrayed, abandoned, or manipulated. Ghosting is the ultimate form of rejection, activating the same brain pathways as physical pain.
Ghosting definitely is an art, but at the end of the day, we all need an explanation. Self-questioning stems from our basic human desire to comprehend our social standing. As humans, we have self-esteem, and when these events occur, they can reduce our feelings of self-worth, leading us to believe that we aren't good enough for someone else. As a result, we need to be better. It is critical to remember that we are all unique. And because people's self-esteem levels vary, ghosting may have a much more significant impact on you than on a friend. The art of ghosting The art of ghosting The art of ghosting