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Gaurangi verma
3 min read
How Labels Affect Our Identities
As a rapidly growing generation, with all this stimulating content we are exposed to each day- we have normalised labeling each other.
Abha Deo
3 min read
Astrology Is All BS But Your Horoscope is Probably True
While astrology gets a bad rep because of the outage predictions made by frauds and psychics, astrology in itself is not all bad.
Shivangi Tripathi
3 min read
The 'missing' adults
Whether to disappear for a short while or forever, one thing is clear— it is an intentional attempt to gain control over their life.
Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Providing A Safe Space For Yourself
In our world where people have constant access to us its important to realise the value of a safe space and become a better you!
Vanya Goel
5 min read
Exploring The Link Between Creativity And Insanity: Why Do Artists Tend To Go Mad?
The trope of the 'tortured artist' links to our association of creativity and insanity- but why do artists have a higher tendency to go mad?
Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Who Are We Outside Instagram?
Instagram is the place to be in right now! Are we really on insta as ourselves or is it just all a picture-perfect image?
Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Being A Contrarian Shouldn’t Be A Personality Trait
To some people, popular things are awful and people who like them are equivalent to sheep who are simple-minded with a herd mentality.
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