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Garrick Hileman
14 min read
The Coming US Digital Dollar — What it is, and Why it Matters
A new US digital dollar, seemingly imminent, will transform the financial world and digital currency landscape.
Tanishtha Kotian
4 min read
Normalising 9 to 5 has Backfired!
'Normalising 9-5' reels have taken the internet by storm, but does it have an effect? 9-5 jobs can no longer be 'normal' today.
Samah Noor Nausheer
4 min read
The Era of War
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
― Albert Einstein
Samah Noor Nausheer
4 min read
GenZ and the 'End of the World' Phenomenon
A generation traumatized by a hypothetical possibility of the world ending in 2012 now faces the very real threat of the world ending soon.
4 min read
The Relevance of Geography in Today's Geopolitics
The technological and geo-economical brouhaha has overshadowed the role of geography in today's geopolitics. Learn more.
Samah Noor Nausheer
4 min read
The Soft Power Phenomenon
Nations wield soft power, shaping global perceptions through culture and diplomacy. Explore its subtle yet profound impact in our article.
Sanat Dayani
4 min read
The Veiled Inner Workings of the Art Industry and Money Laundering
The Art World is a veiled world that offers a glimpse into the lives of wealthy people, and as a means to launder money for personal gain
Sanat Dayani
4 min read
Switzerland: The Grandfather of Banking Secrecy
The banking system of Switzerland has always been secretive, and we trace the history behind the reasons why it is such.
Sanat Dayani
4 min read
The Billionaire's Guide for Tax Evasion
How are billionaires able to get away without paying taxes on their wealth, and how is it that they can keep doing it for so long?
Arjun Khanchandani
4 min read
The Future Of Streaming Is Cable Bundles
Due to the proliferation of streaming services, we might just go back to depending on innovation of old—cable bundles.
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