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Aarav Gupta
3 min read
Rajmata of Jaipur: The Life of Maharani Gayatri Devi
Maharani Gayatri Devi was unarguably ahead of her time. Her life scales through the breeze of evolving public roles, a record holder & icon.

Aarav Gupta
2 min read
What is at Stake post the Azer-'Mania' War?
Armenia was at war with Azerbaijan, a Muslim-dominated country on the Asian-European border, which has resulted in a huge geopolitical shift

Simran Malik
3 min read
Abstract Art Explained
An abstraction is the reduction of a proposed image to its simplistic form so that the message it holds is coherently conveyed?

Vanya Goel
5 min read
The Attack of Texas on Reproductive Rights
Roe v. Wade was called into question when Texas legislature passed a restrictive abortion bill, attacking reproductive autonomy and rights.

Abhinav Hebbar
4 min read
Stoicism: The Art of Tranquility?
Zeno of Citium (modern day Cyprus) founded this school. He was a rich merchant, and when he was travelling to Greece, a storm sank his...

Aarav Gupta
3 min read
Putin' Down Criticism: The Russian Government's Way
Vladimir Putin is now overseeing the Russian Republic for over 22 years, and silencing his opposition through imprisonments/assassinations.

Shivangi Tripathi
3 min read
Vaccine Hesitancy Stems From Trauma, Not Ignorance
Being an anti-vaxxer is justified when a history of medical abuse lies behind us.

Baawa Sayan Bajaj
3 min read
Once upon a time, there was a constitutional democracy . . .
"Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue": a saga of constitutional autocracy.

Arjun Khanchandani
8 min read
The Story of Lionel Messi and Barcelona
The story that started off with a contract on a napkin ended with Messi in tears holding a napkin consoling himself, for he was leaving.

Jayati Tripathi
4 min read
The Genesis of A Modern Dystopia- Has the Handmaid’s Tale Come to Life in Afghanistan?
We often transcend the line between fact and fiction. Is the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan a dystopia come to life?
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