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Arya Desai
3 min read
The Illusion Of Perception: Why We Judge A Book By Its Cover
Unravel the psychology behind our tendency to judge a book by its cover in this intriguing exploration of perception and its illusions.

Aiman Khan.
2 min read
Breaking the Domestic Abuse Cycle
Love at the cost of domestic abuse is half a love. Abusing your partner, apologizing and then repeating the same mistake isn't forgivable.

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
How Has Social Media Changed The Way We Express Our Emotions?
Social media has completely transformed how we express our emotions. It has revolutionized the way we communicate our feelings to others.

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
The Unspoken Bond: Bullying and Eating Disorders
This article discusses how bullying affects eating disorders and why LGBTQ+ members are more likely to develop eating disorders.

Simran Tuteja
4 min read
How Do I Love Myself When I Don’t Know Who I Am?
In a world that preaches self love- How to love oneself when you don't know who you are? How to fight your internal struggles and evolve?

Gaurangi verma
3 min read
How Labels Affect Our Identities
As a rapidly growing generation, with all this stimulating content we are exposed to each day- we have normalised labeling each other.

Tirtha Mutha
3 min read
AOC; The Populist face of the Democratic party
Anyone following American politics can notice the increasing power and influence of up-and-coming political star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Abha Deo
3 min read
Astrology Is All BS But Your Horoscope is Probably True
While astrology gets a bad rep because of the outage predictions made by frauds and psychics, astrology in itself is not all bad.

Shivangi Tripathi
3 min read
The 'missing' adults
Whether to disappear for a short while or forever, one thing is clear— it is an intentional attempt to gain control over their life.

Abhinav Hebbar
4 min read
Stoicism: The Art of Tranquility?
Zeno of Citium (modern day Cyprus) founded this school. He was a rich merchant, and when he was travelling to Greece, a storm sank his...
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