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Tirtha Mutha
4 min read
Why Harry and Meghan are Lying About EVERYTHING!
Meghan Markle is playing the game of thrones and using her husband as a pawn.
Read to find out why their game has completely fallen apart.

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Providing A Safe Space For Yourself
In our world where people have constant access to us its important to realise the value of a safe space and become a better you!

Vanya Goel
5 min read
Exploring The Link Between Creativity And Insanity: Why Do Artists Tend To Go Mad?
The trope of the 'tortured artist' links to our association of creativity and insanity- but why do artists have a higher tendency to go mad?

Krisha Kapur
3 min read
Luck is Actually Real. Here's Why
How many times have we heard successful people claim that their hard work is what enabled them to reach where they are today?

Gaurangi verma
4 min read
Who Are We Outside Instagram?
Instagram is the place to be in right now! Are we really on insta as ourselves or is it just all a picture-perfect image?

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Being A Contrarian Shouldn’t Be A Personality Trait
To some people, popular things are awful and people who like them are equivalent to sheep who are simple-minded with a herd mentality.

Daiwik Aggarwal
4 min read
'Being Different' Is Nothing More Than A Capitalist Gimmick
The question isn’t whether we are different, but how different are we? When do we stop being ourselves, and start “projecting”?

Sanat Dayani
4 min read
Influencer Marketing: The Best Marketing Strategy in the World
So, it is safe to say that whenever we follow an influencer, we feel that they’re either just a pretty face with no brains, and/or to be an

Sanat Dayani
4 min read
Lumber's Logging Behind: Why Lumber Prices Are Rising Suddenly
Why are Lumber Prices at an all time high now? The Economic and Financial Reasons explained for the sudden increase in prices

Vanya Goel
4 min read
If You’re A Girl, You Belong To A Category: All Tropes Explained
We all love a good chick flick every once in a while, no matter our general preferences. High school dramas centred around teenage girls and
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