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Daiwik Aggarwal
6 min read
Taxi Driver (1976): An Enigmatic Cinematic Masterpiece with a Troubled Legacy
All of us have heard of Martin Scorsese, who is perhaps one of the greatest and most celebrated directors of all time. His works are some of

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
'Always Respect Your Elders' is a Logically Flawed Statement
In our formative years ‘Always Respect Your Elders’ is taught to us as a way of life. Growing up with an extended family around, it has...

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Sorry, You'd Have Been A Nazi Too.
You obviously would not want to agree with The Title. But I believe this is the objective truth.

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Stop Stanning Stans
STAN a portmanteau of the words “Stalker” and “fan” refers to someone who is overly obsessed with a celebrity. It’s based on the central cha

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Why Everyone Should Have Verified Accounts
Social Media is too powerful now to be completely anonymous. Read why we think everyone should instead have verified accounts.

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Online Activism is Lazy, Not Useless
Online Petitions are all over the place. Browsing the Internet, one comes across many people asking you to sign their petitions about...

Arjun Khanchandani
3 min read
Apple and the Charger in the Box
Yes. Another unpopular opinion. I have really thought hard and read about this one though. Apple, on October 13, had its yearly iPhone...

Imperium Publication
3 min read
Embracing My Sexuality as an Indian Teenager
By- Anonymous Human beings fear differences and are often afraid of being dissimilar to others. Changes make us feel powerless with no...

Sanat Dayani
5 min read
From Homo Sapiens to Homo Deus
As a species, we have evolved over a period of thousands of years, having survived plagues, famines, natural disasters, and countless wars a

Leissha Maheshwari
3 min read
To Be Hugged Is To Feel Human
What makes us the “super species” that we are today? It’s not just the industrial revolution or conquering the world to establish power all
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