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Bushra Haque
3 min read
Deep into the Language of the Universe
The language of the universe is our emotional state. To connect with our desired reality, we must use our emotions and not our words.

Bushra Haque
5 min read
A Quantum Physics Explanation of Manifestation and Law of Attraction: It’s Not BS
This is a quantum physics explanation of Reality. It describes how our manifestations can attract and create reality.

Bushra Haque
8 min read
A Quantum Physics Explanation of Life and Situationships
Quantum physics isn't just for scientists. Find insights for your situationship. We simplify it all, including the Big Bang, and more.

Sankalp Mehra
3 min read
Why Do We Dream?
From ancient firesides to contemporary science, the enigma of dreams has baffled scholars. The question persists: Why do we dream?

Anant Kadambh
3 min read
Why Ecstasy (MDMA) Is Not As Bad As You Think
Discover the surprising side of Ecstasy: cutting-edge research unveils its potential in healing mental wounds, offering hope beyond stigma.

Shriya Tiwari
3 min read
Could a Multiverse Exist?
This feature article takes you on the journey of Multiverse curiosity by explaining the term and discussing the parallel universe.

Shivangi Tripathi
3 min read
Our Relationship With Medicine: A COVID-19 Version
Do we consume medicine to soothe symptoms or our anxiety?

Vanya Goel
4 min read
What Will Go Wrong as the Temperature Rises?
This article explores some of the consequences that'll come about as the temperature continues to rise with reference to the IPCC report.
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