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4 min read
Why Women Love True Crime Movies
No one loves a good murder mystery more than women and in case you are wondering here is why women love true crime movies.

4 min read
Problematic Age Gaps between Bollywood Lead Actors and Actresses
This article discusses the problematic age gaps between Bollywood lead actors and actresses and the hypocritical nature of casting norms.

4 min read
Sexualization Of Daddy Issues
This article delves into the sexualization of 'daddy issues' and its impact on female identity and their romantic relationships.

Bhavya Saini
3 min read
Do I Like Him or Am I Just Hooked?
The article discusses how and why women have been hooked to the male validation in their relationships.

Bhavya Saini
4 min read
Bearing the Burden: Women as Collateral Damage in Wars
This article discusses the plight suffered by women around the world as the aftermath of war and conflict.

Aiman Khan.
2 min read
Deepika Padukone: A Global Icon Leading the Way
Year after year, she has been adding achievements to her name like we add memories to our years.

Anant Kadambh
3 min read
MILF: A Sexy or Sexist Concept?
Is MILF a sexy compliment or a sexist concept? Some see it as empowering, others as objectifying. Let's dive in and see what it means.

Simran Chopra
4 min read
Coco Chanel: A Legacy of Racism
Iconic fashion designer with a legacy marred by allegations of racism. A complex figure whose contributions are overshadowed by controversy.

Vanya Goel
5 min read
The Attack of Texas on Reproductive Rights
Roe v. Wade was called into question when Texas legislature passed a restrictive abortion bill, attacking reproductive autonomy and rights.

Jayati Tripathi
4 min read
The Genesis of A Modern Dystopia- Has the Handmaid’s Tale Come to Life in Afghanistan?
We often transcend the line between fact and fiction. Is the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan a dystopia come to life?
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